Beate Von Der Seipen
"As the great artist Alberti once put it, art is an extraordinary ‘window onto the world.’ I keep that in mind when visiting museums with our Paris Muse visitors. Art is more than just beauty. It is also a poignant mirror reflecting the values of a given society in a given time and place. It enlightens the present through the past. But gaining insight into art does not necessarily come naturally. It’s important to understand where and how to look, and to take the time to do so. As a guide and art historian, part of my role is to give visitors the keys to make meaningful connections. It’s equally important to stir curiosity and encourage participation through a constructive dialogue, and Paris Muse’s private groups are the optimal setting to do just that. The ideal visit is a combination of shared impressions, emotions and fun."
My favorite place to see art in action is the auction house Drouot.
After an initial Master's degree in History from the Sorbonne, Beate completed a Master's program in Art History at the prestigious École du Louvre, specializing in medieval iconography and decorative arts. She recently obtained the French certificate for national tour guide. Born in Germany, Bea spent a decade in London before moving to Paris. She has been in the “City of Light” for 25 years now, and loves making seemingly endless cultural discoveries.