Lora Milutinovic
"I'm fascinated by the places and art objects that have survived the test of time. They still speak to us as expressions of the people who created them. When it comes to historic buildings, we have this amazing chance of walking through the same hallways, and looking out the same windows, as the original occupants did, often centuries earlier. I believe these remnants of past events are teachers, silently reminding us of the ground breaking ideas, cruel mistakes or creative triumphs of the human mind. During my tours, my goal as an art historian is to poetically evoke the past in our imaginations, so we might almost hear the sounds that once filled the streets, like the clatter of wooden heels on cobblestone, or the murmurs along the riverside.”
My favorite place in Paris to calm my mind after long hours studying is the medieval garden of the Cluny Museum.
Medieval Garden of the Cluny Museum
6 Pl. Paul Painlevé, 75005 Paris
During her studies Lora focused on 19th-century European art, especially the portrayal of changing cities and the perception of rapid urbanisation. In addition to earning both a BA and MA in Art History, she pursued a second MA in Art Management in Helsinki, to learn more about innovative audience engagement methods and intercultural communication. Currently, she is working on her PhD in Paris, which concerns the intersections of art history, cultural memory and fashion history.