Giulia Del Fabbro
"According to the ancient Roman poet Virgil, “Tempus fugit” or “time flies.” But in the great museums of the word, the ways of the world can seem to come to a standstill. While exploring the treasures of the Louvre, the questions always remain the same: who were these men and women who crafted or commissioned these extraordinary works of art? What were their motivations? Time seems suspended as we share a privileged moment exploring the past. I like to think that these moments leave a lasting impression on the visitors, as they do for me."
My favorite place in Paris to experience the ultimate Monet is the Musée de l’Orangerie.
Giulia is an art historian and licensed tour guide in Italy and France. She earned her BA in Archeology & History of Art in her native Italy and an MA in non-profit management from London City University. After leading tours in her native northern Italy for many years, she moved to France where she worked in music management and executive education before returning to her first true love: teaching people about art.