Jessica Pinnock Garrett
"Art is more than the physical object we see in front of us. Every work represents a story that involves a maker, a patron, and the cultures to which they belonged. My passion is bringing that story to life, so the artist does not seem so very far—or so very different—from us. This connection across time and space is the most meaningful gift art analysis can give us. It is precisely why I keep coming back for more.
Touring through Paris with a small group allows everyone to take part in shaping the experience. As we get to know each other, I can highlight aspects of the city or of a museum that I sense would most interest you. This more intimate group setting also means we can take the time to actually discuss a work of art or an architectural site. That potential for personal conversation makes the entire experience more engaging."
My favorite green space in Paris is the Jardin des Plantes. The park is beautiful, educational and a great place to people-watch. Grab a pastry from Huré Boulangerie before you stroll, tell them Jessica sent you.
Jessica fell in love with Art History at age 18 and never looked back. After receiving her teaching certificate, with degrees in Art History and Italian Studies, she went on to earn her MA in Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University, with an emphasis in architecture. She then used her degrees to originate an Advanced Placement Art History Program in Salt Lake City, Utah. The highlight of her program was taking high school students on tours to San Francisco and to New York City, sponsored by the Renaissance Society of America. Taking enthusiasts of all ages to see and discuss works of art on site has become her true passion. Jessica now lives in Paris with her husband and two young boys who - yes! - are introduced to art and architecture wherever they go, even if it's down to the corner market.